Tuesday, November 11, 2014

'A Month of Bedtime Stories' by Neil Roy McFarlane


A cow that eats bananas and lives in the trees! Bees that pilot submarines through uncharted puddles! An elevator that descends to the centre of the Earth! Cowardly dinosaurs! Alien Dogs! Vertiginous squirrels! Time-traveling slugs! Disco-dancing horses!

They’re all here in this collection of weird and wonderful bedtime stories, a month’s worth of fantastic tales to guarantee any child thirty-one dream-filled nights.

Read an excerpt:
From “Shootout at the Deer Sisters’ Hideout” 
When you got to the Deer Sisters’ hideout, Badger Cassidy shouted, “Stop hiding in there and come out with your hands up!” 
“No we won’t!” shouted the Deer Sisters. “We ain’t a-going to no jail!” 
That was a double negative, but you didn’t mention it. 
“We ain’t a-plannin’ on a-takin’ you to no jail!” shouted Badger Cassidy. 
That was another double negative, but again you didn't say anything. 
“We just want some of that there caster sugar!” shouted the Sundance Pig. 
“You ain’t a-havin’ none of it!” shouted the Deer Sisters. 
That was another double negative but this time it was just too much and you couldn’t stop yourself. 
“‘Ain’t a-havin’ none of it’ is a double negative!” you shouted. “If we’re not having none of it, it means we’re having some of it!” 
“Just you try!” shouted one of the Deer Sisters. 
“Who cares about double negatives?” shouted another Deer Sister. 
“Ain’t no one here don't care nothing for no double negatives!” shouted a third. 
“Gosh darn it!” you shouted. “That’s a quadruple negative!” 
“Who cares?” shouted another Deer Sister. 
“What an annoying kid!” added another.
Read rave reviews!
"Written with a great love of vocabulary, with a musical style [...] this book is not a month of bedtime stories, but a lifetime of them." - Carole P. Roman, Kirkus Best of 2012 Award-winning Author 
"Neil Roy McFarlane likely has as fine a sense of humor as anyone writing today… Looney, wacky, imaginative and borderline crazy tales that McFarlane pens with absolute abandon." - Grady Harp, Hall of Fame Amazon Top 100 Reviewer / Vine Voice 
"I keep trying to get Mama to read more than one at night time - there are enough for a whole month but I don't want to take that long to read them all!" - Raif (Age 5) San Francisco Book Review

Buy links

About the author:

Neil Roy McFarlane lives and works in Devon, UK. He knew he wanted to be a writer at the age of eight and after being many other things in the intervening years (an EFL teacher, a care assistant, an assistant editor, a film subtitler, a garbage collector, a postman…) he has now returned to his original dream. He writes in a variety of genres, including radio drama, screenplays, children's and adult fiction. He recently returned to university as a mature student to gain an MA in English.

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